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30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

30 Days 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Retreat Center: Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul
Location: Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul, Badrinath Highway, Yoga Street Tapovan, Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh
Availability: Available


Course objectives

To motivate the aspiring yoga teachers gearing them with necessary skills to teach yoga.

To give students a real life experiences of yogic wisdom and practices, and to attain transformation at all the levels of an individuals personality.

To provide an in-depth study of the components of yoga, and to initiate the students on the path of development and blossoming through exploring their selves.

To provide a structural academic module to the students of yogic discipline.

Daily schedule













Hariom; good morning

Herbal infusions

Process of introversion with mantra

Hatha yoga asana, pranayama, kriya, dhyaan


1st lecture

2nd lecture


3rd lecture

Hatha yoga asana, pranayama, yoga Nidra


Hariom; good night

Daily activities will be carried on according to the mentioned schedule. The timings and subject matter of the schedule can be changed from time to time, due to various reasons, by sole discretion of the Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul.

Wake up with the first rays of sunlight, reflected from the nearby hills that are covered with ancient jungles. Inhale fresh and cool air of the morning. Make your day with the herbal infusions of tea, served at Jeemoksha and get ready to be inspired!


Yoga can be used to keep the physical body in a natural state of health and functioning preventing any disorders and can be used as a cure to certain diseases. It can be very well used for attaining metal calmness and tranquility which brings about a balanced state of emotions channelizing the energy into constructive purposes enhancing the efficiency of the individual.

In this course, yoga tends to work on all the aspects of an individuals personality, bringing about a balance in functioning of all the systems and improving the quality of life. Anybody and everybody can adopt the practice of yoga irrespective of needs, age, conditions, sex, creed, or color. Jeevmoksha follows the traditional pattern of Ashtanga (patanjali) and Hatha yoga. The teachings are based on the guidelines of guru Rudranath ji and Acharya Ghanendra Kaushik.

Practical sessions (110 hours)

Sookshma vyaayaam (Basic & Preparatory movements) basic and preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles and align the joints, are taught in the program. These movements helps to achieve the full Range of Motion for the joints, prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses and developing the body awareness.

Asana Yoga teacher training program includes about 50 different asanas starting with poses for beginners, intermediate & advanced level with demonstration, indication, contraindications, alignment adjustments and modulations with more than 100 direct contact hours with the teacher. Practice will include the combined approach of Vinyasa flow and classical Hatha yoga.

Pranayama Concepts and practices of Pranayama including different breathing exercise (Shwas kiryas mentioned in Hatha yoga, Bahaya Pranayama (External series) with Kumbhak (breath retention), indications and contraindications. Technique, teaching, method, application, contraindication and benefits.

Shatkarma (Cleansing Process) Techniques, Practice, Application, Indication & Contraindication, therapeutically usage.

Yoga Nidra Basic level practice and application

Chakra Shuddhi Purification of energy pathways through simple meditative techniques.

Mauna Sadhana The art of silence meditation

Yoga philosophy (30 hours)

  • Introduction, Origin and History of Yoga
  • Philosophy of Yoga: Principles of Purification, Relaxation and Harmonization.
  • Panch Koshas:
  • Yoga as an Evolutionary Science.
  • Consciousness and Yoga
  • Elements of Universe: The process of evolution according to Samkhya Darshan
  • Raj Yoga (Yogic psychology)
  • Antahkaran (the mind stuff)
  • Chitta and its patterns (vrritis)
  • Panch Kleshas (five sources of pain)
  • Gunas; Prakash, Kriya, Sthiti (characteristics of mind)
  • Prakriti and Purusha (the observer and observed)
  • Process of involution for evolution
  • Controlling the mind
  • Ashtanga Yoga: Eight stages of self balancing and realization
  • Yama: Social codes of conduct
  • Niyama: Moral codes of conduct
  • Asana: Posture
  • Pranayama: Breath control
  • Pratyahar: Sensory withdrawl and relexation of mind.
  • Dharna: Channelising the mind and gaining stability
  • Dhyaan: Meditation
  • Samaadhi: Attainment of Ananda.
  • Hatha Yoga Pradeepika: A comprehensive encyclopedia of Hatha Yoga.
  • Mantra Yoga: Tools for freedom and perfection
  • Bhagwad Geeta: Exploring the dynamics of Psyche.
  • Yogic Lifestyle
  • Innate nature of individuals and classification of Yoga
  • Concepts of Ayurveda
  • Shiv Sutras
  • Bhakti Sutras (Bhakti Yoga)
  • Karma yoga- The law of karma (action and reaction)

Human Anatomy and Physiology (24 hours)

  • Study of human body in correlation with yoga

Teaching methodology (25 hours)

Teaching practices and evaluation (13 hours)

Program Features

  • Practical Hatha yoga sessions twice a day
  • Cleansing processes three times a week
  • Two theoretical sessions a day
  • Karma yoga twice a week
  • Weekly assignments
  • Lesson plans
  • Teaching methodology
  • Weekly assessment and evaluation
  • Final assessment and evaluation

Visit the ancient Vashishta Guha (cave) as a part of the curriculum to experience a real contemplative awareness and meditation. This place is a calm and extremely energetic abode for all seekers who want to spend time in solitary looking into themselves.

Nature walks and treks are a regular feature of program, where students are exposed to nearby places of serenity and peace. Guided tours are organized to the places like Kunjapuri and Kaudiyala, to get a glimpse of Himalayan natural landscape and beauty.

Regular interaction with masters from the discipline of yoga, Ayurveda, astrology, Vedanta, and life sciences, to know more about the integral approach of yoga and allied sciences, and broadening perception about these holistic ways of living and growing.

Yagya, or holy fire ceremony, is an opportunity to learn sacrificing the false ego and cultivating samskaras of compassion and harmony with the whole universe.

Acharya Vinaychaitnya

Acharya Vinaychaitnya was initiated into the yogic discipline through the family lines of Shaivshakt tradition. He completed his teachers training at Yoga Vidya Gurkul in Nasik under the guidance of Acharya Vishwas Mandlik, and further completed his academic education at the University of Sanskrit by holding a masters degree in yogic sciences while studying in Rishikesh. He also obtained masters in ecology and environmental sciences, and strongly feels the need for awareness about deteriorating balance of environment. He started teaching yoga full time in the year 2002, and continued to promote this unique philosophy of life throughout different places in India. He has worked with various organizations and individuals from all walks of life and attended workshops on developing the yogic traditions with elements from tradition and modern learning methodology. His teaching pattern is based on mastering the alignment and accuracy in every element of yoga practice. He has a simple and soft way of communication and believes in understanding each and every individual before commencing the training program, without which the process of learning cannot be completed.

Acharya Veeren

He began his yogic training with Shivananda tradition of yoga, while completing a residential training program as Shivananda ashram in Rishikesh. He is also a post graduate in yogic sciences, and has worked a long way while practicing yoga in the city of Rishikesh. He has been teaching yoga for the last 7 years, and has taught a variety of groups from all over the world. His experience also includes working with wellness clubs. He has also done certain spiritual tours at different places in India. His teachings are more focused on using the breathing patterns to bring about fundamental transformation in the psychic states. Using asana and pranayama as a tool to affect the moods and attain a harmony within is what his sessions reflect upon well. He is well equipped with techniques of inducing relaxation and meditative trance.


Shankar lived and worked in the US and Russia before returning to India. He started a design and publishing business which he managed for three years. However, the desire to understand the higher principles via which life works and to know the secrets of the inner universe brought him to Rishikesh in the Himalayas. Meditation, yoga, and satsang with the Himalayan yogis have turned him into an intrepid explorer of the inner and the outer world. His desire is to be able to help those in inner pain and angst through meditation, yoga, and satsang to help them live fulfilling lives, and ultimately go beyond time and space.


Kalpendra is a senior pranayama and meditation teacher sharing his experience with us at Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul. He did his post graduate in yogic sciences from Yoga University of Haridwar and specializes in teaching the breathwork techniques and meditation. Kalpendra had the opportunity of being in company with some experts on pranayam from the Himalayan tradition and drink the nectar of this beautiful art. He has been teaching since last 7 years in different parts of the country. Currently he is teaching external and internal breathing techniques of hatha yoga and how to use breath for aligning the psychosomatic connections of our body at Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul.

Rishikesh is a small town situated in the foothills of Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand state, in the northern part of India. Ashram Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul is a small and comfortable place in the most beautiful area of Rishikesh, Tapovan. Tapovan is located on the high bank of Ganges, with an astounding view on the first hills of Himalayas. Rishikesh is accessible by road, air, and railways. The nearest airport is Jolly Grant, Dehradun. There is a continuous commute from New Delhi through buses, trains, and flights available round the year.


Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul comprises 11 double rooms, a yoga hall, terrace, kitchen, and canteen. The rooms are simple, clean, and neat. The rooms are equipped with attached bathrooms and hot water.

If we are out of rooms in case of increased participants, the facility is provided in the nearby guest house with same standards. If the rooms are fully occupied due to increased participants in a batch, we are equipped with another guest house just nearby the original campus, with clean accommodation, serene view, and calm atmosphere.

  • Garden
  • Special menu request
  • Laundry
  • Tour assistance

We follow a vegetarian diet as a part of the yogic principles. It consists of grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. We supply purified mineral water to all the students. We also include milk and yogurt. The diet is highly nutritious, balanced, and suitable to the environment and needs of the students. We can provide meals without milk and other products for those who do not want it.


Silent meditation, chanting, a talk, or reading on the philosophy of yoga and Vedanta. It helps to develop a strong and steady state of mind, very useful in practical life situations of arousal and aggression.

Trip to places of interest

Dev Prayag, Kunjapuri, Chandrabadni, Tehri Dam, Mussorie, Dehradun, Rajaji National Park (forest reserve), and Neelkanth. Guidance for tours and travels is available at Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul.

  • Practical Hatha yoga sessions twice a day
  • 2 theoretical sessions a day
  • Karma yoga twice a week
  • Assignments
  • Lesson plans
  • Teaching methodology
  • Final assessment and evaluation
  • Excursions, nature walks, and treks
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Stationery
  • Yoga mats

Check in

From 3 p.m.

Check out

  • Before noon

Airport transfers

  • Transfer from and to airport on request.

Itinerary information

  • In order to ensure a firm progress, students must attend the session without fail.
  • The students must pursue the course routine and structure with discipline.
  • Students are supposed to be in the classroom on time, or else they will not be permitted to enter once the class has started.

Course information

Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul yoga teachers training course is a registered 200-hour course affiliated with Yoga Alliance.

Anyone above the age of 18 years is eligible for the course.

Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul does not follow or teach any of the modern day modifications of yoga which are presented by several names. The students must keep in mind that the teachings will be strictly under the traditional principles of Hatha and Raj yoga.

Behaviour is an integral part of learning as well as the assessment procedure. Students should adapt to the rules being mentioned by the ancient sages and the idea of community and social relationships. This is extremely helpful to learn and grow. It is an integral part of the Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul system of learning.

Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul follows the traditional approach of yoga in every aspect. So students must be aware of the fact that the teachings at the institute will be also blended in the same format, which can be different from the pattern being practiced in the west.

The teachings of Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul are intended towards culminating the real experience of yoga in the students. Hence, the practices, training, and routine are also framed in a manner that the students experience a fundamental transformation in behavioural and ethical patterns.

Sattvic lifestyle has to be followed throughout the course period with no intoxications or fancy meals allowed.

Seasonals information

  • Winters: November to March
  • Summer: April to August
  • Monsoon: July to September

Accommodation request

Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited during the training.

Students are not supposed to carry any extra cash or valuables with them. If you do, please inform the course director or manager about the same. A safe to keep for your items can be provided. Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul will not be responsible in case of any loss of any such material.

What to bring

  • Seasonal clothes and personal items of use
  • Yoga mats if you want to use your own
  • 2 passport size photos with a copy of passport and Indian visa.
  • Any medicines that you are taking

Special menu request

  • You can provide us with information on your allergies and food suitable and we can make arrangements on not to serve you the contraindicated meals.

Travel assistance

  • We have assistance for all the travel needs.

Passport / visa

We can provide you with an invitation letter mentioning your admission to the course for the purpose of applying for the visa only if you are coming for attending the course. However, the registration formalities must be completed beforehand.

You can come on a regular tourist visa to attend the course.

Important information

Any medical conditions should be informed to the institute in advance along with proper certifications. The institute will not be responsible for any consequences in case of lack of information.

Pregnant women must consult their physicians on priority basis before enrolling for the course.

The candidate should posses a higher secondary certificate or equivalent from a recognized school/college in India or abroad.

The entry is subject to cancellation at any time during the course, in the event of misbehavior or non-compliance with the code of conduct, at the discretion of the Jeevmoksha administration.

There is no provision for having guests. If there is any such condition, the information has to be provided in advance to make necessary arrangements.

Additional information

For more information ask your questions directly to Jeevmoksha Yoga Gurukul who will be happy to assist you. Simply click on the Send Inquiry button to send your question.


Fees once paid will be not refunded. However on solid reasons, if somebody has to withdraw from the course, fee can be adjusted to any further dates of rejoining the program.


Accepted payment methods

Bank wire transfer, Credit card, Debit card, Paypal

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