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Restorative Yoga

11-дневный-восстановительное-йога-и-серф-отступлением-в-сафьянового Surf Yoga Программа Марокко Йога Retreat серфинг Поменять местами взлеты и падения в жизни для решения проблем обучения для серфинга атла..
15-дневная-восстановительное-йога-и-серф-отступлением-в-сафьянового Surf Yoga Программа Марокко Йога Retreat серфинг Поменять местами взлеты и падения в жизни для решения проблем обучения для серфинга атла..
4-х дней 19-часовой-восстановительное-йога-учитель-тренинг-в-США Расширение Light Йога подготовки учителей Программа США В этом тренинге практический, вы будете исследовать, насколько важно знать, как помочь и коррект..
6-дневный-восстановительное-йога-и-серф-отступлением-в-сафьянового Surf Yoga Программа Марокко Йога Retreat серфинг Поменять местами взлеты и падения в жизни для решения проблем обучения для серфинга атлан..
6-дневный-восстановительное-йога-с-гидротерапии-в-коста-рика программы Йога Nosarananda Восстановительные в Коста-Рике Этот пакет отступление предназначен для достижения восстановления с помощью медитации и культивиру..
8-ми дней-восстановительное-и-спокойный-йога-отступлением-италия Программа Йога Bee Йога отпуск Италия Утренняя практика Аштанга Виньяса и поток йоги. Во второй половине дня вы будете сосредоточены на Восстановительна..
8-дневный-восстановительное-йога-и-серф-отступлением-в-сафьянового Surf Yoga Программа Марокко Йога Retreat серфинг Поменять местами взлеты и падения в жизни для решения проблем обучения для серфинга атлан..

Restorative Yoga and Stress Reduction

What is Restorative Yoga?
Restorative Yoga involves the combination of physical postures, breathing and deep relaxation. It has been described as “active relaxation.” Patients with cancer often do not have the physical strength or mental energy for vigorous physical activity or more traditional types of yoga. Restorative poses can be very useful for people who feel weak, fatigued or highly stressed. Restorative Yoga is gentle enough that it can be practiced when a person is ill or recovering from surgery. By using props – bolsters, blankets, and straps (all provided) – students can ease themselves into postures that gently stretch the body and allow it to relax. Restorative Yoga moves the spine through its complete range of motion – forward, backward, sideways and twisted – but gently and supported by props and assisted by the teacher. Deep relaxation in each of the postures is an important part of Restorative Yoga practice. As students rest in each gentle posture, they practice consciously releasing each muscle group and gently direct their thoughts to soothing ideas and images.
What will I do in Restorative Yoga classes?
The yoga studio is set up to create an enjoyable and calming environment for students – with natural lighting, soft music, and inviting colors. The end of the yoga mat is placed against the wall, so that the student can use the wall for support, getting up and down off of the floor. For each of the 8-10 poses during class, the teacher helps the student adjust the props until the posture becomes comfortable.
Throughout the practice, students are reminded to notice their breath and to breathe slowly and deeply. What are benefits of participating in this study of Restorative Yoga?
The practice of Restorative Yoga may: Increase flexibility and range of motion Strengthen muscles
Reduce stress and create deep relaxation Improve overall sense of health and wellbeing As a participant, you will receive free yoga classes. You will also be given a $20 gift certificate (cost of an excellent book on Restorative Yoga) to a local book store if you complete all study questionnaires. This is our small way of showing our appreciation for your participation.
What Restorative Yoga is NOT . . .
Yoga is not a religion or a religious-based program. It is an ancient art and science for enhancing mental, emotional, and physical health through the use of gentle postures with an emphasis on breathing and relaxation. As such, it is a toolset that can be used to enhance your current religious practice, or it can be used with no religious intention at all. Participation in yoga classes should not undermine your faith. In fact, sometimes people report that taking time to quiet their minds and bodies can actually help them to be more in touch with their own spirituality and faith. What does this study entail for me?
If you choose to enroll in this research study, you will attend Restorative Yoga classes once per week for 10 weeks. You may be randomly selected to attend the next class session or be asked to wait several months to begin the session after that. Either way, you will be offered participation in the yoga classes. You will be asked to complete 3 sets of questionnaires at different times. As with any research study, you are free to discontinue participation at any time.