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Hatha Yoga

14 дней-хатха-и-виньяса-йога-отступлением-испания Casa Cuadrau Медитативный Пешие прогулки и Йога Retreat в программе Испании Неделя 1 - 2 апреля по 8 Ежедневные занятия по практике и приемы хатха-йоги ..
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14 дней-хатха-йога-и-скалолазание-в-греции Скирос Йога и Abseiling Retreat Расписание Ежедневное расписание 07:15 Ранние утренние курсы 08:30 завтрак и общественные дела ..
12-дневный-хатха-йога-отступлением-аштанга-семинар-в-Балийской BaliAshramYoga Retreat & Workshop Расписание 1 день 14.00 Заезд (может подождать, пока номер готовится, если ранее) и присоединиться к..
21-дневный-200hr-интегрально-трансформационный-хатха-виньяса Йога Шала Paros 200-Hour TTC Интеграл Трансформационное Хатха & виньяса в Греции программы Наши Трансформационные Обучение учителей йоги Курсы (TTC) проходя..
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32-дневный-аштанга-хатха-йога-подготовки учителей-в-дубаи программе Yogadarshanam подготовки учителей EHS учебный план Йога технические классы: Анализ асаны, пранаяма, крийи, bhandas, мудры со своим наимен..
27-дневный-200hr-хатха-YTT-в-нидерландский Arhanta Йога Ашрам 200hr Хатха YTT Program Интенсивная четыре недели подготовки учителей йоги Курс сертификации учитель йоги Arhanta распространяется в течение че..

"Yoga with an effort", or hatha yoga, is a medieval invention. Its fundamental goal is the same as that of all the primordial forms of yoga: to overcome the ego (EC) partially (or by resorting to the creation of new words, egotropnoe) consciousness and understand the Self, or divine reality. However, psycho-spiritual technique of Hatha Yoga is particularly focused on the development of bodily instincts so that the body can withstand the difficulties of the beyond comprehension. We tend to view ecstatic states like samadhi as a purely mental event that is not true. Mystical states of consciousness can have a profound effect on the nervous system and the rest of the body. In addition, the experience of ecstatic union takes place in the solid state. X al ha-yogi, so that tends to temper the body - a good "burn" it, as the text says.
Most importantly, that enlightenment itself affects the whole body. Nowhere on this so clearly as in the writings of contemporary spiritual teacher Da Free John (Adi Da), who writes:
An enlightened person - Awakening is just mind-body as a whole. It is literal, even bodily enlightenment or transformation of the whole body-mind of the individual fully in radiation intensity, Love and Light, that anticipates and exceeds any rate manifest or invisible light and all forms or creatures that scurry about in the phenomenal world, whether they are fine or coarse.
Therefore, hatha yoga disciplines designed to help manifest the ultimate reality in a limited human body-mind. There hatha yoga tantra expresses ideal consisting in the fact to live in the world, the performance of the fullness of self-knowledge, rather than away from life for the sake of gaining enlightenment. Hatha Yoga takes toward integration ism, as shown in the introduction.
Practicing hatha yoga eager to create for themselves a "divine body" (divya sarira) or "diamond body" (vajra-sarira), which would ensure the immortality in the revealed worlds. He or she is not interested in gaining enlightenment through long neglect of the physical body. He or she will crave all at once: Self-knowledge and transformation of the body, no one would enjoy the manifested universe in its various plans. Who would not approve such a desire? However, as you can imagine, practicing hatha yoga sometimes sacrifice their highest spiritual aspirations and focus on a less lofty, perhaps magical, glad for the ego (EC) partially personality. Magic like directed outwards technology is a means to manipulate the forces of nature, whereas spirituality is associated with overcoming a busy manipulating ego (EC) partially personality.
Narcissism, or aimed at the own body self-centeredness, is a great threat for hatha-yogis, and for bodybuilders. In all spiritual traditions, you must have an iron will, but it can never replace clarity and self-denial, especially the renunciation of self-will. But hatha yogis like other followers of yoga, sometimes come in the end to the most hyped than overcoming the ego. This has prompted some scholars to describe hatha yoga as unhealthy teaching. From such a bitter conclusion, the German sankritologa JW Hauer:
The natural fruit of the period of decline of the Indian genius who, despite all assurances to the contrary, far from being ruthlessly sincere desire to complete the purification, the liberation of the soul and experience the ultimate Reality ... Hatha Yoga has a strong taste of overt suggestion and is closely associated with magic and lust.
Such condemnation, of course, refers to the vulgarization versions of hatha yoga, practiced in India, but it is unfair to the authentic teachings and teachers of this tradition.
Aboriginal hatha yoga always requires that it came as a psychospiritual technology, serving the beyond comprehension. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika (4.102), the most popular manual of this school, this circumstance is expressed as follows:
All funds Hatha [-yogi] designed to achieve perfection in Raja Yoga. The man, rooted in Raja Yoga, overcomes death.
This verse expresses just what hatha yoga and raja yoga should be considered as complementary, and that the desire to conquer death occurs only in self-knowledge. For only the transcendental I is immortal and eternal. Even specially created "divine" body composed of subtle matter or energy, sooner or later fall apart, as all the fruits of nature are subject to the law of change, or entropy.
Hatha Yoga reminds one of the many restoration (body-oriented) therapies that have emerged in recent years in Western countries. They gave us a new assessment of the empirical, or energy, bodily existence. However, the outstanding discoveries made hundreds of years ago yogis relatively esoteric or subtle anatomy, is still in need of proper recognition. Particularly the phenomenon of the serpent power (kundalini-shakti), psychospiritual forces dormant in the body-mind unenlightened, still barely understood. However, as will be shown in Chapter Seventeen of tantra yoga, it is central to the inner workings of practicing hatha yoga and his or her perception and penetration into the plans of existence, are just beginning to attract the attention of modern science. Metaphysics and the practical aspect of hatha yoga are discussed in detail in Chapter Eighteen.