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Vinyasa Yoga

29-дневный-200hr-виньяса-йога-подготовки учителей-в-Балийской Сваха Йога Бали Йога подготовки учителей Программа Центра Учебная программа извлекает из древних священных текстов, таких как Йога-сутры, Бхагавадгите, Вед..
Йога Программа Виньяса Retreat 4-х дней любовь к потоку-виньяса-йога-отступление-в-ирландия Лотос Любовь Проснувшись в этом потрясающем месте, мы будем делать бодрящими, практика янь Виньяса Flow, блаженно проникнуты ..
5-дневный-аштанга-виньяса-погружной-йога-семинар-в-Балийской программе BaliAshramYoga Retreat Полная программа йоги охватывает все 8 конечностей (Аштанга йоги) в соответствии с сутр йоги. 3 дня разведки и с фокусом со..
5-дневная медитация-и-виньяса-йога-отступлением-в-ГРЕЦИЯ центр Греции Йога Retreat Расписание Тао День 1 08:30 - 17:30 Прибытие 17:30 - 20:00 Добро пожаловать Виньяса йога сессия ..
6-дневный-виньяса-и-инь-йога-отступлением-нидерландский Habihochi Программа Zeeland Retreat Йога Виньяса йога Смысл йоги состоит в том, чтобы объединить все, что мы состоим из в цельности. В практике йоги ..
7 дней-аштанга-прана-vashya-виньяса-йога-отступлением-в-гоа Nivram Йога Retreat в программе Индии Ежедневная практика асан будет состоять из двух классов. Утром класс познакомит вас к йоге систем хатха Аштанга Виньяса..
7 дней-Форрест-и-виньяса-йога-отступлением-в-франс Luxyoga Франция Йога Retreat Расписание 1 день 10:00 Villa бранч Церемония открытия 14:30 16:30 Йога 19:..
7 дней-медитация-туризм-виньяса-йога-отступлением-испания Casa Cuadrau Йога Retreat в программе Испании Ежедневные классы виньяса Сурья Намаскар А и В в стиле Виньяса йоги. Изучите правильную технику для п..
7 дней-помнящий-виньяса-йога-отступление в Италии-KaliYoga Отступления Италия Программа Йога Retreat Ежедневное расписание суббота Программа начинается в 18:00 Безалкоголь..

Vinyasa / Vinyasa Flow Includes all styles that are indicated as 'Vinyasa Hatha Yoga' Vinyasa is the term used to describe yoga which flows between asanas in a controlled system of breath and movement. Since there is only one breath per movement, Vinyasa Yoga is quite vigorous and challenging. Vinyasa Yoga is 'Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga' (an ancient form of Hatha yoga). However, by dropping 'Ashtanga' from the name, some Vinyasa-based yoga styles may be declaring themselves as a less-traditional form of Ashtanga. For instance, Vinyasa yoga classes may place more emphasis on fitness and less on spiritual development. Classes may also favour variety over repetition and music over silence.

The term Vinyasa besides its ordinary meaning and value in the commentary style was used in Vedic ritual and designated secondary factors related to the mantra, necessary to make it effective. In yoga, the term does not have its value and apparently used to confirm the legality of yogic practices in the context of the Vedas. The term was developed and used in mimamsa, ancient Indian commentator school, which once taught Krishnamacharya.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is the form in which it is taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, became famous thanks to the scientific vinyasa from the ancient yogic text "Yoga-Korunta" from the pen of Vamana Rishi. He said once: "About Yoga! Do not do asana without vinyasa. " His manuscript explains the reasons for and benefits of practicing asanas with Vinyasas. Vinyasa literally means "respiratory-motor system of exercises." vinyasa system is multifaceted: 1. A certain number of breaths and movements to exit and enter the asana 2. When synchronizing movement with breathing and using udzhdzhayi mula- bandha and Uddiyana bandha there is strong internal heat in the body that causes excessive sweating. This sweat purifies and rejuvenates the muscles and organs, removes harmful toxins in the body is felt by the strength and lightness. 3. Vinyasa is a bond between the asanas in the series. 4. Vinyasa balances breathing and provides smooth blood circulation throughout the body, the body rebuilds 5. Vinyasa between performing asanas in different directions, and after each asana. 6. When all of the attention is paid to work on the basis of a correct counting of the vinyasa practice becomes very concentrated, rhythmic breathing, the body strong and calm the mind.

For the next 16 Paschimottanasana there vinyasa. The first, second and third - a vinyasa uttanasany (namely, the first - tadasana second-uttanasana - raise your head and focus on the tip of the nose, exhale and hold your breath, and the third - to breathe, to lower his head to his knees, breathe). Fourth - it is the fourth-vinyasa chaguranga dandasany (jump back). Fifth - it is the fourth vinyasa urdhva-mukha-shvanasapy. Sixth - it is the fourth-vinyasa adho mukha- shvanasany. Seventh - exhaling and holding his breath, jump up and place his hands between his legs, not allowing them to touch the floor, sit on a line with hands (danda-san), and then pull the hand, take hold of the big toes. Eighth - stretch legs. Ninth - - exhale and lower the head down and forward on his feet. Tenth - to raise his head. Eleventh ™ - to raise the entire body in dandasane. Twelfth-chaturanga-dandasana. Thirteenth -urdhva-mukha-shvanasana. Fourteenth-Adho-mukha-shvanasana. Fifteenth and sixteenth - variations uttanasany.