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Taoist yoga

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7 дней расслабляющее-йога-отдых-в-KOH-Самуй-тайланд самахита Retreat Йога отдыха и программа для отдыха программа YogaCoreCycle Программа Samahitas YogaCoreCycle была задумана Пол Dallaghan (основатель), о..
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Taoist Yoga or Dao-Yin - a soft, slow ( "yin") practice. Translated from the Chinese Tao-Yin is art upravyat energy (Qi) with the powers of the mind, eyes and heart. All exercises are performed Dao-yin, to free the body from negative energy and satisfy its vitality. 
The founders of Taoist yoga, the sages of ancient China, it came up to help people fix the life they themselves complicated. They noticed that the internal human organs arise energy blocks, components and weave, which impede the free flow of Qi energy flow - our life force. The causes of these units - constant stress and gave rise to negative emotions: fear, anger, hatred, resentment. The main objective of Taoist yoga - to return the person to a state of harmony.
In Taoist yoga attaches great importance to working with tendons. It is believed that the tendon is more reliable. Muscles require constant training and weaker with age, and are able to maintain the elasticity of tendons, even in old age. Stretching and twisting in Taoist Yoga remove blocks and clamps, freeing the way for the free flow of energy.
Practice Taoist yoga to perform well in the evenings. This is the most favorable time for soft movements. Free breathing and a combination of tension and relaxation postures relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation and prepares the body for the night's rest.
Taoist Yoga offers methods of correcting posture, relieves pain, restores the protective function of the body. Taoist yoga practitioner always feel young and fit.
Taoist Yoga is particularly useful short-tempered people, all who feel a lack of energy, often nervous and tired quickly. Anyone who wants to relax and enjoy the movement.