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Tantra Yoga

5-дневный детокс-и-тантра-йога-ретрита-в-Тайланде Инструкторов Мария Blandine Вегенера, Анжела Шивани, и Уриэль Ярив будет облегчить тур. Все трое являются квалифицированными йогой и тантрическим преподаватели с много..
6-ти дней-пары-тантра-йога-отступлением-в-бали Desa Seni школы йоги Пары Тантра Йога программы Retreat Этот частный пакет Тантра доступен в течение 6 дней для жилых гостей. Они предназначены, чтобы принести парам вкус..
6-дней, гостиная тантра-йога-Отступление-в-португалии Tantrapure-международной программы Португалия Йога Праздник Что такое Тантра? Тантра многое для многих людей; от древнего буддийского тайного текста и ..
8-ми дней-пары-тантра-йога-отступлением-в-бали Desa Seni школы йоги Пары Тантра Йога программы Retreat Этот частный пакет Тантра доступен в течение 8 дней для жилых гостей. Они предназначены, чтобы принести парам вкус..
Программа йога Retreat 8-дневный-чакра-баланс-кундалини-тантра-йога-в-Спейн Аюрведа Ibiza Отступления кундалини тантра Кундалини йога Тантра Кундалини йога является частью тантрической традиции. В этой тан..
8-дневный-кундалини-тантра-йога-отступлением-в-бали-индонезийское программе Retreat Убуд Aura кундалини Тантра Отступление пакеты включая воспевание, массаж, спа-процедуры и йога. Вы также можете создать свою собствен..
8-дневный-тантра-отступлением-в-Размещение Сицилии В этом отступлении, мы будем оставаться в прекрасной вилле в спокойной сельской местности. Здесь мы будем заниматься йогой и медитировать, чтобы очистить энергетическ..
8-дневный-тантра-йога-праздник-в-гоа - 2 Шри Кали Ашрам 7 дней тантра отдыха в Гоа Расписание 08:00 - Проснись, средства личной гигиены, а также чай 08:30 - Традиционный аюрведический массаж ходь..
8-дневный-тантра-йога-отступлением-в-БАЛИ условия бронирования Оплата Для того, чтобы зарезервировать место в этом отступлении, пожалуйста , свяжитесь с Надин Lee организовать полную компенсацию. Счет - фа..

Tantra Yoga is a holistic approach to the study of the universal from the point of view of the individual: the study of the macrocosm through the study of the microcosm. Tantra Yoga draws on all the sciences - astronomy, astrology, numerology, physiognomy, physics, chemistry, alchemy, Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India), psychology, mathematics, geometry, and so on - to provide a practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosophy in daily life. Instead of separating and categorizing the different areas of human knowledge, Tantra Yoga draws them together. Tantra Yoga studies the tree of life itself instead of limiting itself to any single branch of the tree. This tree is a microcosm, a great organization of diverse elements linked together by a unifying law (dharma) that is inherent in their very nature. Tantra Yoga seeks to understand this law.,
Aims of Tantra Yoga: The aim of Tantra Yoga is to expand awareness in all states of consciousness, whether waking state, dream state or sleep state. To accomplish this we need a kind of "deprogramming" and "reprogramming" of our human computer. Our birth in a particular place and time gives us our primary programming, influenced by heredity and environment. If we are content with the results and live our lives without too many problems, then we will see no need for change. But when we experience great difficulties in life or begin to seek something beyond our limited "program" then we need a way to alter it. Tantra Yoga provides the methodology and the tools for this work. Tantra Yoga teaches us to identify the various factors that influence our thoughts and feelings and to transcend the obstacles to our evolution arising from ignorance, intolerance, attachment to our animal nature, and selfishness. By refining our thoughts and feelings by means of these Tantra Yoga practices, we learn to create peace, harmony, and order within ourselves. Tantra Yoga thus promotes a one- pointedness and centeredness that help us to free the consciousness from limitations.Tantra Yoga asserts that desires are natural and that as long as we are embodied, we will have them. Our sense organs serve as windows through which desires enter. The constant presence of desire arouses a yearning and love for the desired object. Most desires center on the physical body and its comforts. People become slaves to their instincts, which constitute the lower part of the personality and fall prey to agitation, loneliness, anxiety, dissatisfaction, selfishness and misery. Tantra Yoga offers practical tools for reprogramming the mind and our desires. By means of physical and ritual cleaning, breathing exercises (pranayama), contemplation, visualization (of yantras and deities), repetition of a mantra (mantra japa), Tantra Yoga helps to unfold our divine nature.
Tantra Yoga is a complete yoga system based on ancient Hindu scriptures called 'Tantras'. It can be considered an alternative yoga system that runs in parallel to the Vedic system of yoga. (Vedic-yoga is based on the ancient Hindu scriptures called the 'Vedas', Hindu literature called 'Upanishads', and the 'Yoga Sutra' of Patanjali.)
Tantra Yoga and Vedic-yoga often crossed paths during their development, creating the condition of two systems and philosophies mirroring each other. Specific yoga practices and techniques have also flowed between the two.
A unique aspect of Tantra Yoga is that is has a more feminine view of the universe, whereas Vedic-yogas have a more masculine view. However, both yogic systems acknowledge the value of both the masculine and feminine.
There exist three different approaches or branches of Tantra Yoga:
1. Dakshina-marga / Dakshina Marga / White Tantra
Dakshina-marga (the right-hand path) follows an ascetic path of knowledge, devotion and worship. Increased awareness is achieved by increasing the flow of energy (kundalini) and clearing the subconscious. Celibacy is used to prevent energy loss.
2. Vama-marga / Vama Marga / Red Tantra
Vama-marga (the left-hand path) follows a sexualized path of devotion. An important element in Vama-marga is the use of Tantric Sex to open dormant energy centers. Yogic awakening is achieved through deepening orgasm.
Certain Vama-marga practices are very controversial, especially the 'panca-tattva' initiation ceremony where a man and woman have ritual sex in front of, and surrounded by, other initiates and the yoga teacher.
3. Kula-marga
Kula-marga (the path of the Kaula sect) follows a path similar to Kundalini Yoga.