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Kripalu Yoga

5-дневный-отдыха к йоге-отступлением-в-калифорнийской США Санта-Барбара Йога Retreat Расписание понедельник 09:00 - 10:25 Уровень 1/2 с Ванессой Bacher 11:30 - 12:30 Цигун с Джессикой Кольбе ..
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5-дневный лета-наслаждение-йога-отступлением швейцария Integralarts Анина фон Молнар Швейцария Йога Retreat Программа Через классические позы йоги Хатха (асан), дыхательных упражнений (пранаяма) и медитации (mindfulnn..
5-дневный-йога-выходные-праздник-в-Casperia италия-Подсолнечное Выездные программы Йога выходного дня В подсолнуха Ритритов, ваша комплексная программа является одним занятие йогой ежедневно. Утром, мы будем иметь сеа..
6-дневный-35hr-дао-инь-йога-учитель-тренинг-в-США Eastover Estate и Retreat Йога программе подготовки преподавателей Массачусетс Универсальный исцеления Тао базовый уровень I является недельный тренинг для начинающих ..
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6-дневный стресс-менее-йога-отступлением-в-флоридской США Стресс Меньше Йога Программа Retreat Beachfront Йога Приглашаем Вас присоединиться к стресс Меньше Йога для мира и присутствия преобразующей йоги и медитации о..

Kripalu Yoga puts great emphasis on the mechanics of yoga—proper breath and alignment—as well as on the inner, spiritual dimensions of yoga practice. Students are encouraged to honor "the wisdom of the body" and to work according to the limits of their individual flexibility and strength. There are three stages in Kripalu yoga. Stage one focuses on learning the postures and exploring your body's abilities. Stage two involves holding the postures for an extended time, developing concentration and inner awareness. Stage three is called "Meditation in Motion," in which movement from one posture to another arises unconsciously and spontaneously. Kripalu yoga was developed by Yogi Amrit Desai, who was inspired by his guru, Swami Kripalvanandaji, a Kundalini Yoga master from India.
Kripalu is a three-part practice that teaches you to get to know, accept, and learn from your body. It starts with figuring out how your body works in different poses, then moves toward postures held for an extended time andmeditation. It then taps deep into your being to find spontaneous flow in asanas, letting your body be the teacher. Located in the Berkshire region of Western Massachusetts, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health has helped guide thousands of people along their path of self-discovery by teaching a system of yoga developed over a 20-year period by yogi Amrit Desai and the Kripalu staff. During the 1970s, while studying under Indian guru Kripaluvananda, Amrit felt his body begin to move in a spontaneous flow of postures without the direction of his mind. This deep release of prana (life’s energy force) brought about a profound transformation in Amrit, so he developed these movements into three stages of practice which he could then teach to others.
The three stages of Kripalu yoga include: willful practice (a focus on alignment, breath, and the presence of consciousness); willful surrender (a conscious holding of the postures to the level of tolerance and beyond, deepening concentration and focus of internal thoughts and emotions); and meditation in motion (the body’s complete release of internal tensions and a complete trust in the body’s wisdom to perform the postures and movements needed to release physical and mental tensions and enter deep meditation).