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Aqua yoga

3-х дней-массаж-гребное прибоя и-йога-отступление в-Спейн Ашрама Om & Йога Входящее Испания Йога Retreat Майорка программы Ашрам Ом & Йога Входящее дает вам самое лучшее оправдание, чтобы уйти от вашей повседневной жи..
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Aqua Yoga - This yoga, adapted for the practice of water This method of practicing yoga offered a couple of years ago, Francoise Freedman, physician Cambridge. Now is the new hit of the European (and Moscow) fitness clubs.
Aqua Yoga - a set of soft exercise, performing the same function as on land, but with little or no stress on the joints, and thus more secure. Yoga exercises in the water does not look like on the ground. Their task is to observe the form of asanas, and to perform its function -. Stretching and strengthening the muscles, massage the internal organs and breathing exercises 
to work simultaneously with the body and breath in the Aqua-dynamic yoga asanas are applied.
Aqua yoga helps to lose weight, strengthen muscles of the whole body, without giving load on the spine and joints. Proper and regular breathing during yoga in the water helps to improve the work of all internal organs and systems. Contact with the water in the body include natural relaxation mechanisms. On land to do this takes time and a variety of exercises. In the water, relaxation comes naturally. 10 minutes in Shavasana water comparable in impact to the same time Shavasana on land. Because of its calming effect, Aqua Yoga relieves stress, improves digestion, restores sleep.
Aqua yoga, as one of the most gentle way to work with the body, is unlikely to have contraindications. Especially good exercises for pregnant women and young mothers. Aqua yoga will help them lift suddenly emerged an uneven load on the spine in their life, relax and feel happy.