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Yoga Light-House Sri Lanka

All recent prices and other information about Yoga Light-House Sri Lanka can be found on BookYogaRetreats.com
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Yoga Light-House Sri Lanka

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7 Days Yoga Pilgrimage Retreat in Sri Lanka
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8 Days Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka

Yoga Light-House Sri Lankaemail: yogalighthouse@gmail.com
viber: +94(71) 643-22-77

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka is an inspirational, unique and tantric spiritual center. Here people from around the globe come to expand and deepen their understanding of mind, body and soul, practice meditation and postures, rest, rejuvenate, and develop new way of balanced living both within and without.

We share ancient knowledge of well-being, strong-willing, wise-living and, if needed, soul healing with our guests arriving to Sri Lanka.

To get a brief and quick glimpse of who we are and what we do, please, enjoy watching Yoga Light-House Video Testimonials

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka provides individual guidance in self development, improvement of body and mind conditions through application of Yogic and Ayurvedic practices. We embrace individual approach to all harmony seekers. Even if you don’t stay with us, you can reside in any place close by and have genuine yoga and ayurveda experience on call.

Yoga Light-House Sri LankaYoga Light-House is nested near the river mouth of transcendental Maha Yoga River entering the magnificent Indian Ocean, where beats of industrialized life come to a complete standstill giving way to super natural tropical environment and you a chance to get new insight and experience of unprecedented yoga state of mind, body and soul. We are located in convenient proximity to the International Airport and Colombo – Puttalam road.

What benefits you will acquire by living at Yoga Light-House:

• On physical level – you will study yourself and learn how to balance 3 doshas, investigate and discover weak points of your constitution (Prakriti), if there are any recurring diseases you will learn how to combat and eradicate them by managing your Life-Style; you will increase endurance and vitality of the body;
Yoga Light-House provides a consultation of traditional doctor of Sri Lanka (doctor knowledgeable in herbs and naturopathy) if you have any physical concerns. He will use pulse diagnose (Nadi Vijnana) to determine your Prakruti (given at birth) and Vikruti (obtained through living) conditions of physical and energy bodies. Based on this a proposed food and life style plan will be produced and presented for your consideration.

At Yoga Light-House, we make herbal medicine (rasayana) in accordance with ancient formulas using powerful energy of Sri Lanka herbs. We also apply Indian science of Ayurveda both in yoga practice and treatment of ailment if any. Ayurvedic or rebalancing message can be given at our premises.
• On mental level – you will learn methods and kriyas for mind and sense control and stability, through an individualized practice you will learn how to acquire peace and serenity, you will grow positive traits and features of your individuality so as to remain centered and focused, confident and relaxed in your day to day living.
• On soul level – you will be able to trace your positive and negative karmic imprints (Samskaras) and know how to handle them without generating new ones both in awake and sleep states of the mind; as the grip of karmic reactivity loosens armed with new knowledge and experience you will be able to choose to abide here and now acting positively with no regrets about the past or longing for the future; by growing the Power of Will you will become a Manager of your Destiny.
• Finally you will have an individual Yoga Life-Style developed for your present self-awareness level which you can improve by applying it in every moment of your life.
• As secondary benefits you will explore Sri Lanka, gain access to sandy and grassy beaches, tropical environment, fresh fruits and vegetables, straight from the water seafood, the Maha Yoga River, unique landscapes and culture of the Indian Ocean’s jewel – all of this can become your personalized journey to the island full of adventures and spiritual treasures.

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka

Our mission is to invoke transformational light in those humans who really need it. We don’t apply any stress-related methods or any kind of force, which is himsa. We’ve simply arranged an atmosphere that genuine and unique, aspiring and transformative in nature. We put our guests into totally different conditions then those they are habitual to in their day to day urban life. This will uplift the veil of artificial surrounding and lead them to a position of witness, an observer halting the flow of reactions caused by karmic habits of grasping and aversion that drive the mind here and there with illusions of unhappiness and unfulfilled hopes. From this stand point our guests will manage to obtain new experience, draw unconditional insight and vision of their True Self as well as flexible & healthy bodies. Some might go to the point that they will defy their destiny. We let things happen and don’t make them to. We let Yoga unveil its powers to you.

Our end product has no material form or expression. It is something that already dwells within each individual, something that unites everything and everyone and called Yoga, Inner Self, Internal Guide, Infinite and Absolute. It is something that can’t be bought or sold, described or defined but only discovered and deserved by personal selfless and righteous efforts.

Yoga Light-House’s vision of life is simple yet aspiring self-study and self-investigation. Below we outline the main concepts of yoga life our guests will engage in at Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka:


– we strongly believe that genuine yoga practice isn’t possible in group sessions which are merely market activities;
– we profess an individual approach to each guest. Upon arrival you will be consulted by the Host in order to determine your Mind-Body type which will have direct impact on your personal Yoga and Ayurveda management plan for the time of your staying with us.

It’s only at the beginning of your Yoga Path that you need external guidance. No one can do yoga for you, it is a private Sadhana indeed. When you advance with your practice you will discover an internal Guide that will tell you what practice is auspicious to you and when. This Guide is a true Guru of yours. Once discovered, half of your Sadhana is accomplished.

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka

Hanumanasana– Asana is a crucial step in Yoga, oversimplified and understood as exercise performed with therapeutic purposes Asana has become a meaning of Yoga for most people in the West. At Yoga Light-House asana is a medium, tool or a vehicle balancing the physical and pranic bodies that allows you proceed to more advanced steps of Yoga practice like pranayama, pratyahara, concentration and meditation.

We implement asanas for all levels of yoga-followers. For beginners intense asana practice will promote physical purification. The purpose of asana is to create and stabilize a free flow of energies on the physical plane that will directly affect your health and vitality; as well as indirectly – mind and awareness. The outcome – lightness of physical body. Consequence – a practitioner proceeds further by going deeper into the mind and beyond. Eventually all concerns about asanas, physical body and its position disappear as soon as deep meditation happens.

Particular asanas support in treating some diseases but are rarely a sufficient treatment in themselves. Their help is mainly indirect. They work to improve circulation to impaired areas in order to release toxins and improve the healing and growth of tissues. So we should move into asana to direct the prana flow to the part of the body that one is seeking to benefit. Prana brings healing affect and not the posture by itself.

We select and modify asanas according to individual’s condition, physical and mental constitution. Self-conquest and self-mastery are the greatest psychical attainments from the proper asana practice.

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka

– we employ an integral approach to yoga practice that combines eight limbs of Classical Yoga:
1) Yama – Social Conduct; 2) Niyama – Personal Behavior; 3) Asana – Physical Postures; 4) Pranayama – Control of Vital Force; 5) Pratyahara – Control of Senses; 6) Dharana – Control of the Mind; 7) Dhyana – Meditation; 8) Samadhi – Absorption (Realisation) integrating methods of Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana Yoga. Depending on the state of your body, mind and soul one of the steps or methods become more crucial for further spiritual unfoldment at particular moment.

Each next step will become quite obvious to you as you discover that you are the sculptor of your destiny, the master of your life, and the freedom of your soul is your birthright to claim through accomplishments of your yoga.

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka– Yoga Light House of Sri Lanka employs Shatkarmas and Ayurvedic Treatments to remove physical blocks and disbalances, to prepare the body and mind for more subtle experience and to allow the practice unveil wisdom and light to the practitioner without pain or psychophysical complications.
Cleansing of the subconscious level of the mind plays even more important role on your path as most of the blocks on the physical plane are direct consequences of psychological (I-concept) toxins and clogs

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka– we recommend vegetarian diet during your stay with us to bolster personal benefits of the practice. However you are not restricted in your choice. A recommended food plan will be produced at the consultation and will be based on your Guna-Dosha constitution as well as on your present physical and mental conditions

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka– for people exhausted by industrialized life and artificial food consumption we have developed ayurvedic yoga schedules to overcome and remove toxins on both physical and mental levels as well as to establish new foundation of health and mental strength for more profound spiritual practices

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka– we practice yoga 24 hours per day literally, which means we try to preserve uplifted and higher state of awareness as long as possible

– in the night we practice Yoga of Dreams so as not to fall victim of karmic traces causing dreams of our sleep to blur the clarity of the mind

Yoga Light-House in Sri Lanka

– for many our spiritual home will turn into a citadel of love and care, for others – an oasis of dreams that come to be realized, many will find a resort and refuge here that will revitalize their bodies, purify the mind and heal the soul. We do not enquire anything about your qualification, position, parentage, caste or capacity. Yoga Light-House of Sri Lanka is open to all. We welcome even socially condemned people like thieves and rogues, persons of tender age and those who are sickly and old also. We know very well that they will all be able to rediscover themselves and become dynamic Yogis when they are allowed to stay in a place charged with marvellous spiritual vibrations