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Thermana Laško

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Thermana Laško

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15-дневная-аюрведа-йога-отступлением-в-Словению Thermana Лако Йога и Аюрведа Retre..
15 Days Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Slovenia
4-дневный-аюрведа-йога-отступлением-в-Словению Thermana Лако Йога и Аюрведа Retrea..
4 Days Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Slovenia
6-дневный-аюрведа-йога-отступлением-в-Словению Thermana Лако Йога и Аюрведа Retrea..
6 Days Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Slovenia
8-дневный-аюрведа-йога-отступлением-в-Словению Thermana Лако Йога и Аюрведа Retrea..
8 Days Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Slovenia

Wellness Spa Centre Thermana Park Laško

wellness-spa@thermana.si Email
+386 3 423 20 45 Information and Reservations
Every day: from 9 am to 21 pm Opening Hours

Health and Beauty Centre Zdravilišče Laško

wellness.zdravilisce@thermana.si Email
+386 3 734 57 71 Information and Reservations
Every day: from 8 am to 21 pm Opening Hours

The modern lifestyle leads to a growing number of medical hardships, inconveniences, diseases. In taking care of our health and well-being we are increasingly going back to the ancient traditional methods, which, in spite of the passing of the centuries retained their healing properties. All the more, the eastern wisdom is increasingly gaining validation in the western world. This includes Ayurveda, with in its comprehensive approach already helped many people regain their health.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine, which originated in India. The word ayurveda is composed of the words "ayus", which means "life" and "veda", which means "knowledge", "science". Ayurveda or the "Science of life" treats in a holistic way and teaches a person how to live healthy and in harmony with nature. It covers four aspects of the human being: the soul, the mind, emotions and body. Throughout history, Ayurveda remains an influential health-care system in South Asia. The basic principles of Ayurveda are based on universal laws of nature and the mutual interaction of man and nature, and therefore through the millennia development principles remain the same. The Ayurvedic lifestyle consists of a certain diet, regular and moderate exercise (yoga), meditation, relaxation, breathing exercises and other techniques, which should help harmonize man's mind, body and spirit.


Ayurveda is based on three basic forces, known as doshas. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the main elements of the body on which our health depends on. They are present in every cell of our bodies, but also in our psychological well-being, ways of communication and perception of the world. In the literal translation they mean air, bile and mucus, in a wider sense, however:

  • Vata is dry and dynamic and provides for the movement, excretion, respiration and speech,
  • Pitta is hot and oily, and is responsible for body temperature, hunger, thirst, energy and our will,
  • Kapha is heavy and slimy and takes care of perseverance, strength, stability and "lubricates" the joints and body cavities. The three doshas are present in all human beings, but usually one dosha dominates, sometimes two. Given to the dominant dosha different body types are known (Vata type, Pitta-Kapha type, etc.). According to the prevailing dosha, different body types (vata, pita-kapha type, etc.) are known. When the doshas are in imbalance we may experience inconveniences, nuisance or illness. When the doshas are in ratio, a person is healthy.

According to Ayurveda there are three main causes of disease:

  • incorrect identification of the intellect with the "I" and "mine",
  • the abuse of the human senses for pleasures, desires, greed, and selfishness,
  • inability to adapt to seasonal changes in nature, causing stress, impairment of digestion and imbalance of doshas.