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Shivani Yoga Center

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Shivani Yoga Center

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Shivani Yoga Center retreatShivani Yoga Center

Begum started Yoga at a very early age of 17 during her travels. She then started traveling, teaching and learning Yoga in Asia at the age of 21. She was working as a teacher at one of the most well-known Yoga Resorts in Goa, India, which has a large yoga community. This enabled her to feed the desire to know more of the world, both inner and outer, which was only made possible by venturing away from her home, the island of Cyprus.

Concurrently with her ongoing travels, she works as a yoga teacher in Cyprus, Turkey and India. She is one of North Cyprus’ leading Vinyasa Flow Yoga teacher with over 10 years experience and a certified yoga teacher and director of the yoga teacher training school in North Cyprus. She is certified at The Ganesh College of Yoga in the USA.

Begum has traveled all over the world, included India, USA, UK, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey where she also trained with well-known Yoga teachers such as Kino Mcgreggor, Krantivira, Ganesh Iyer and Govinda Kai.

Begum is the owner of the first Yoga Studio “Shivani Life Centre” in North Cyprus.

Begum has a unique ability to naturally inspire a deeper understanding of the flow of breath, movement and mindful connections in yoga. In her teaching, she emphasizes energetic alignment, creating space in the body and synchronizing movement and breath. She teaches with an eye on body alignment and gives precise guidance on how to work intelligently with yoga. In her classes she creates a creative flow of movements and teaches her students to be in the moment.

Begum has arranged and directed Yoga Retreats in India, Japan, Turkey and Cyprus along with Yoga Workshops, Angel Workshops and Thai Massage Courses.

Begum is now based in Istanbul, TURKEY and enjoys sharing her teaching with people of all nations. She is also a certified Pilates Teacher, Feng Shui Specialist and Thai Massage Therapist.
She thoroughly enjoys teaching Yoga, leading workshops, organizing Retreats & Yoga Holidays for everyone and she loves connecting with people and seeing people connecting with others.

Yoga Teacher Training

Begum leads Yoga Alliance-accredit Vinyasa Yoga yogatt2015Teacher Training Programs in Cyprus, Turkey and New Delhi, India.

Healing, rejuvenating and compassionate approach to teacher training begins with you. Whether you’re seeking to change your career, looking for a new life style or simply wanting to deepen your understanding of yourself, this Yoga Teacher Training course will be a significant part of your journey. Explore through self-practice and study, integrate and observe your physical, emotional, mental and psychic bodies. Feel yourself becoming more joyful, loving, focused and present in your life and relationships.

Teacher Training Program with Begum may be in English or Turkish

Please call +905317367828 or email begum.gulderen@yahoo.com to discuss availability and pricing.

What one can learn;

History and Philosophy
The Yoga Sutras, Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita
The eight limbs of yoga
The seven chakras – muladhara, swadisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna, sahasrara
Awakening of the spiritual body
Introduction to Meditation. Metitation methods and techniques
Anatomy and Physiology
Physical body systems – respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, muscular & skeletal, endocrine
Kundalini, nadis and the nervous system
Endocrine system and the chakras
Health benefits, contraindications and therapeutic use
Exploration, alignment, modification and individual expression
Ayurveda, body types, diet and lifestyle
Teaching Methodology
Principles of demonstration and observation
Assisting, modifications, adjusting, guiding
Finding your own teaching style
Ethical guidelines for yoga teachers
Lesson planning
Practice of Vinyasa Yoga
Observation and awareness techniques
Kapalabhati (cleansing breath), Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing), Bhramari (humming bee breath)
Other useful pranayama practices: Ujjayi (victorious breath), Shitali and Sitkari (cooling breath)
Importance of healthy breathing
Bandhas (locks): Moola (root), Uddiyana (abdominal), Jalandhara (throat), Maha (great)
Types of Yoga
Business of Yoga
Mantras for the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air
Yoga Nidra relaxation techniques
Yogic energy awakening science (Kriyas)
Dynamic meditation techniques: walking, dance, etc
Teaching skills