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Pura Vidya

All recent prices and other information about Pura Vidya can be found on BookYogaRetreats.com
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Pura Vidya

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21-дневный-200hr-шаманский-целостным самовосстановления-YTT-в-мексико Pura Видья Й..
21 Days 200hr Shamanic Holistic Healing YTT in Mexico
Программа подготовки учителей йоги 24-дневный-300hr-мистико-йога продвинутом-YTT-в..
24 Days 300hr Mystical Yoga Advanced YTT in Peru
8-дневный-шаманский-чистит-йога-отступление в Гватемалой Pura Видья Гватемала Прог..
8 Days Shamanic Cleanse Yoga Retreat in Guatemala

Pura Vidya yoga retreatTambo Ilusión, Calle Los aguajales,

La Banda de Shilcayo,

Tarapoto, 22202 Nuevo Tarapoto,

San Martin, Peru

Yoga Teacher Trainings
We host Yoga Teacher Trainings in beautiful locations in Mexico and Peru. Our Training is a holistic program; to understand Yoga you must first understand

Self... body, mind, and spirit. We use the four directions of the Native American Medicine Wheel as a guide and foundational structure for the course. Within each direction we will focus on different types of movement, diet, and meditation. We bring to life the ancient teachings of Yoga through accessible spiritual lessons, a solid foundation in Yogic philosophy, and a daily Yoga practice. Please choose the level of course you're looking for to begin the journey with us:
200 Hour Training
We teach 200 hour trainings twice a year on the beach in Mexico and Thailand. The program, for students of all levels, is a unique and powerful experience; an experience that for many becomes life-changing, and always guides students towards clarity and empowerment on their life journey. This program is for all levels.
300 Hour Training
Our 300 hour advanced program embraces the paths of the Yogi and the Mystical Shaman, helping us to remember our souls’ gifts as teachers and reveal the wise yogis within us all. We will focus on the expansion of our own sacred consciousness. We integrate the teachings of Yoga with Native American Earth Medicine and Shamanic Practices.

Pura Vidya
"Pure Wisdom of Self"
Your spirit carries infinite wisdom. Release the ego to meet your true self and the
true nature of the universe will be revealed.
This page is "Under Construction". In a nutshell, though, Pura Vidya explores the intersection of Yoga and Shamanism. The earliest Yogic scriptures, the Vedas, were truly the first Shamanic scriptures, describing invisible dimensions and the need to recruit spirit guides to traverse the higher realms. More to come on this topic as well as refining the Beliefs and Mission. But, for the moment, to make sure you have something to read, here it is... Much Love!
We believe that the secrets of the Universe are stored in every cell of existence. When the mind/body/spirit is clean and pure, these secrets are revealed. We believe that true health can only be achieved with a holistic approach, caring for the body, mind and spirit. We believe that the way to heal has been known since the beginning of time and that our elders are the wisdom keepers that pass on this knowledge. We believe that all beings everywhere have the fundamental right to health and happiness. We believe that living sustainably, in harmony with Mother Earth is a fundamental necessity for the health of ourselves and future generations. We believe in the interconnectedness of all things, that duality exists within a greater oneness. We believe in the power of Love to transcend all things, even our own material existence.
Our mission is to make the two ancient traditions of Yoga and Shamanism better understood and more accessible.
Our mission is to teach cleansing techniques in order to quiet the mind and deepen meditation. By quieting the mind we will live in harmony with our soul's purpose.

About The Founders
CJ Ananda
Email: cjanada@gmail.com

Co-Founder of Pura Vidya and Present Moment Retreat, and ERYT 500 certified, Ananda is a renowned teacher of yoga, dance and meditation. She has combined her joy of these self-healing therapies with her experience as a wellness coach and healing practitioner to create international retreats and trainings. Ananda offers Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Trainings with YogaSchool Institute, giving each person the heartfelt attention and direct facilitation that cultivates an ecstatic, healing and Magical experience.

Integrating her teachings and passions, Ananda has developed The Magnetic Movement, a system of intentional-based healing that draws on the philosophy that we are all a part of this magnetic energy that is driving us towards greater consciousness. By exploring our gifts and expanding our relationship with higher self, we come into alignment with our inner purpose of Awakening. Through our collaborative efforts and unified intentions, we magnify the richness of this life's experience. (Read more of Ananda's writings on her blog cjananda.com)

Ananda currently lives in Troncones, Mexico, the home of Present Moment Retreat, where she holds sacred space for individuals and groups as they journey toward Self Realization and Oneness. She suggests that as we step up to the Essence of who we are within, we are connected to the Wholeness of all that is. Ananda believes that we are each here to expand into the greatness of who we are and to serve all beings in our highest capacity. She is inspired to inspire... and to continue this journey moment to moment, breath to breath.

Coby Hadas
Email: cobyhadas@gmail.com

While traveling abroad during University, Coby met a Peruvian healer who liberated him from the material realm. “Now that you have entered the Spiritual world”, she told him, “you’ll never have to concern yourself with money or materials, they will manifest effortlessly. Your new path is a spiritual one wrought with its own challenges.” Coby took this belief to heart, starting a spiritual journey that took him several times around the world. He spent many years reconnecting with the Earth throughout Latin America. He sailed the Caribbean, learning just how deeply one can relax. He led groups of teenagers through five different continents. He spent much time in India where he lived 'Baba Life', renouncing material comforts and exploring the boundaries of meditation. But between each chapter of his story, he would always return to his Shamanic teacher in Peru for study and guidance. Coby’s deep rooted interest in Shamanism found its perfect complement when he married Yoga Guru, CJ Ananda. The fusion of his love for Shamanism and hers for Yoga blended perfectly, becoming Pura Vidya.