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Asheville Tantra Yoga


Asheville Tantra Yoga retreatAsheville, NC
Tel: 828 989 - 0505

Tantra is an ancient style of meditation and ritual, which arose in India around the 5th century AD.

Tantra is a Sanskrit word meaning “to weave and expand.” The tantric path is non-dualistic, meaning there is no separation of the physical world and the world of spirit. Tantra sees the two as intertwined, and heightens our awareness that all the threads of our experience are part of the divine tapestry of life. Tantra encourages us to embrace beauty and joy as well as shadow and chaos, so that we may embrace all experiences in life fully.

The human body and its many functions, including sexuality, are all part of our human experience and are vehicles for enlightenment, or expanded consciousness. In this way, the tantric path is about fully diving into our experience of sensual living (that is, living with the senses) rather than repressing or rejecting any part of it.

The breath-work and meditation techniques used in ritual Tantric sessions are pathways through which we connect with our bodies and learn to direct the flow of energy within so that we can step into our own personal power more fully. By learning to harness the potency of sexual energy, it can become fuel for opening our hearts more deeply to our own inherent divinity. When we are in touch with the spirit of connection within ourselves, we are then able to recognize and unite with the divine energy in others, leading to fuller, more profound relationships.

Custom tailored to each Individual and Couple for a unique experience.
Are you in need of rest, relaxation and renewal?
In a life transition?
Wanting to learn Tantra?
Deepening your love relationship?
Seeking a new prospective on life?
Healing and balancing your body and mind?
Exploring your sensual self?

A Tantric retreat is a great way to take time for yourself leave the world behind and enter into your private sanctuary. A space in this world but 'out of this world', where time flows differently.

Where you immerse yourself so deeply in the presence of powerful subtle energies, that you forget anything else existed other than the present moment.

To heal anything that may be blocking your truest expression.
To learn ways connect with yourself and others.
To learn how to integrate sex and spirit.
To learn tools & practices to be more presentand heighten your potential for pleasure.

We are located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC. The accommodations include a 600 foot living space and a separate bedroom. It has red velvet walls throughout decorated with a spiritual influence. As well as a private bathroom and claw foot tub. It is available ongoing for personal retreats. Choose one to three nights lodging with meals included.