5 лет глубокого овладения техниками Кунг-фу | Акдемия Shengjing Shan - Шаньдун, Китай

5 лет глубокого овладения техниками Кунг-фу | Акдемия Shengjing Shan - Шаньдун, Китай
Название: Shengjing Shan Kungfu Academy
Расположение: Shengjing Shan Kungfu Academy, ShengJing, Wendeng, Weihai, 26440
Наличие мест: Есть в наличии
Цена: $21800.00

Daily schedule Monday to Friday

06:00 - 07:00 Tai Chi and Qigong

07:00 - 08:30 Breakfast

08:30 - 10.00 Training

10:30 - 11:30 Training

12:00 - 15:00 Lunch

15:00 - 16:30 Training

17:00 - 17:40 Cultural classes

18:00 - 19:00 Dinner

Free time

There is no training during weekends, students are free to relax, train on their own at the academy or visit the local towns such as Wendeng, Weihai or even Yantai.

Shengjing Shan Chinese martial arts training

Tai Chi Chinese martial arts can be divided rather conveniently into two categories Neijia and Waijia. This division serves only to highlight what form of training the style places particular emphasis on. The Neijia school practises the use of Neijing, otherwise known as internal strength and their practise focuses on the training of the spirit, mind, awareness, and Qi.

The three main internal styles are Tai Chi, Baguazhang, and Xingyiquan. Understandably the concepts mentioned above are rather abstract and difficult to grasp, this goes for foreigners and Chinese alike.

Nevertheless, the masters are well suited to guiding you along the path of self-discovery which the practise of any internal art lays before you. Unlike practising an external art, one needs to understand the moves being taught at a deeper level.

It is only through the synchronisation of your own movements, feelings, breathing, and intent that mastery of a move can be achieved, hence why it is a much more subjective experience. However, despite the ambiguity that accompanies Neijia arts, our masters will provide the best possible tools to discover your own path.

Despite often being considered as soft styles, some of the greatest masters in the history of China have been Neijia practitioners. When practised correctly and fully developed they become extremely powerful and effective systems, not just in the context of self-defence, but also extending to ones personal and psychological health.

This sense of balance which these arts will bring, will undoubtedly lead to a greater sense of harmony and synchronicity with ones centre. Conversely, Waijia puts more emphasis on training the body itself and tends to be characterised by explosive power and rapid movements.

The external styles are what is in the West often considered to be Chinese Kung Fu. It is also worth noting that the definitive number of external styles in China is almost innumerable, given that each family may have their own variation of a particular school of Kung Fu.

The Waijia styles currently practised at the academy are Shaolin, Tai Chi Plum Blossom, Praying Mantis Fist, and Sanda. The students who choose to pursue one of the external styles will be pushed physically due to the rigorous conditioning and dedication demanded by these styles. That being said, these styles are accessible to anybody who arrives in good health.

Chinese massage and acupuncture class

Chinese massage is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Some Chinese scholars argue that a definitive massage theory had begun to circulate as early as 2700 B.C. and was used in conjunction with acupuncture to cure physical ailments.

During class time, Master Qu will familiarize his students with Chinese massage theory, as well as allowing the students to explore the practical side of this healing art. Due to the nature of the training, knowledge of the body will serve to speed up your recovery process after intenese periods of training.

Acupuncture is also taught here at theory level until Master Qu is satisfied with the knowledge and the commitment of the student to this class. Those who begin practicising the practical elements of acupuncture will learn basic needle insertion along the meridian lines and key acupuncture points.

Cooking class

It is believed that Chinese cuisine is one of the most important elements of Chinese culture. Therefore, in the academy it is equally important that the students embrace this rich and unique part of Chinas heritage. The academy's cook comes from the quiet village which sits sleeply outside of the temple grounds.

Using the freshest ingredients, she uses the recipes which have been passed down through her family, from generation to generation. Those students who wish to learn how to make the dishes which have characterised the Chinese countryside for hundreds of years can do so by assisting the cook in the kitchen every dinner time.

Calligraphy class

The written Chinese character becomes the physical expression of how the master has focussd their mind, energised their Qi and the degree to which their energy flows onto the page. At Shengjing Shan, the classes are run by one of the temple-monks who has pledged his life to prayer and scholarly pursuits. Well versed in calligraphic theory, he was invited to the academy to guide the students and bring out each individuals own style and the best artistic expression.

Daoism classes

The system of the Dao is the essence of everything that exists in the universe and a way of living in harmony with the surrounding environment. It is the idea of accepting and yielding, seeking a balanced relationship between human beings and the natural world.

Studying Daoism here is particularly advantageous as Shengjing Shan is situated on temple grounds. This is to say that you will be surrounded by an abundance of knowledge and culture, and for those interested in this field it is a cant miss opportunity to learn about Chinas most famous homegrown religion.

Martial Arts

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an ancient form of Chinese meditation. The characters Qi and Gong have multiple translation, nevertheless in this context they can be translated as energy work, with the implication being you are training to control your Qi.

It is based on the concept of becoming aware and manipulating the Qi in your body to reach a desired effect e.g. healing an injury. Used for both medical and health purposes, it is also used by martial artists to complement their Kung Fu. Most modern Qi Gong is now a mixture between Daoist & Buddhist energy cultivation practises which combine movement with meditation.

All Kung Fu makes use of energy training to develop internal force, without which it remains purely external and overly mechanical, a characteristic considered rough and inferior by high level martial artists.

Kung Fu training complemented with Qi Gong enhances harmonious chi flow, thus promoting health, vitality and longevity. Those who place a large emphasis on the practise of Qi Gong will be able to build up to doing Hard Qi Gong demonstrations.

Through the manipulation of the Qi in your body, the mastering of your breath and the conditioning of your body, you can expect to perform incredible feats, such as break marble with your hands or split bricks over your head.

The environment at Shengjing Shan is ideal for Qi Gong. At any time you can wander into the mountain, find a quiet rock or a tranquil tree to sit by, collect your thoughts and enjoy the stillness of nature as you learn to master your Qi.

Tai Ji Quan

The meaning of Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi) is literally supreme, ultimate. There are a number of different styles of Tai Ji Quan practiced throughout the world today; however, the five most popular are: Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun and Wu (different).

As well as being one of the most effective martial systems in all of history, it is extremely beneficial for personal health when practiced regularly. Its fundamental premise of softness means that it is extremely versatile and accessible for those of all ages and abilities.

Tai Ji stresses slow, controlled breathing coupled with relaxed, balanced postures. This approach aims to eliminate unwanted tension in the practitioners body; consequently allowing the Qi to circulate freely as well as making it available to harness.

The fluidity of Tai Ji permits the practitioner to meet aggressive force with softness allowing one to strike or throw using the constantly flowing energy within the body. Students will begin by learning fist forms to get a basic understanding of the system itself, from there they can then move on to more advanced things such as sword, ball and fan forms.

The core elements that make up Tai Ji are fist and weapon forms, as well as qigong, which all help the student to increase overall body flexibility, body awareness and an understanding of body mechanics.

Mantis Fist

Despite being somewhat underrepresented in the West, Praying Mantis is one of the most famous and revered external styles in China. The reason being its efficiency when striking, grappling, moving and defending, all conducted at extreme speed.

At Shengjing Shan we place a great emphasis on ensuring good form from all of our Mantis students, as well as developing speed, power, accuracy, and mental flexibility. Furthermore the exploration of each movement you learn serves to deeper the practitioner and understanding of the art.

Praying Mantis is an aesthetically unique style, founded on a devastating arsenal of techniques which can be applied in any situation. The original Praying Mantis system was first developed by Wang Lang, who originally lived in Shanxi province during the Ming Dynasty.

In the later years as Praying Mantis Kung Fu continued to evolve, some characteristics of Tai Chi and Plum Blossom Fist were integrated into the style, giving rise to what we now know as Tai Chi Plum blossom Mantis.

The practitioner of this style must balance the Yin and Yang in ones body, aligning their energy whilst constantly rotating the upper and lower extremities. Whilst the striking hands must move like a blooming plum blossom, cutting the opponent like the beads of the flower.

The main part of Mantis development was in Shandong, hence why the province is synonymous with the art. So for those keen to master the art of self-defense, as well as begin to understand China at a deeper, provincial level we recommend you choose this style.

Bagua Zhang

Bagua Zhang is intrinsically linked to Daoist philosophy and is characterized by its use of a unique style of qi gong circle walking. Circle walking, coupled with the coiling and twisting movements of the style, give the skilled practitioner the ability to defend against multiple opponents with seemingly little or no effort.

Bagua Zhang literally translated is 8 Trigrams Palm and is derived from the I Ching (Book of Changes) which is central to the art of Bagua Palm. Each of the 8 Trigrams represents a different kind of power in Bagua: heaven, wind, water, mountain, earth, thunder, fire, and lake.

Each of these powers is characterized by that which it is named after, for example a fire technique would involve twisting, coiling, and clinging to get through the opponents defences and deliver a strike or throw. It was Dong Hai Chuan(1798-1879) who first introduced the art of Bagua Zhang to the world.

Eventually his travels brought him to Beijing where he worked in the Forbidden City as a servant. Much to the delight of the emperor who was so impressed with Dong's ability he asked him for a display of his skills after which he was subsequently appointed palace bodyguard. From this time he gradually gained fame and began teaching the system to other students. Students will begin by learning the walking method and basic stances, from there they will move on to forms.

Once these forms have been mastered the students can then move on to the vast array of weapons found in the Bagua system such as: Bagua broadsword, staff, single spear, double spear, straight sword, tornado broadsword, and the more exotic paired weapons such as the Bagua needles, deerhorn knives, etc.

Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin Kung Fu is undeniably one of the most iconic and widely recognised styles of Chinese Kung Fu. It is said that the Shaolin temple was founded in 495AD, with its original purpose to serve as a Buddhist monastery. The style born out of the temple stems from humble beginnings, initially created in response to the monks' fear of bandits raiding and desecrating their holy home.

Today it is an extremely diverse and multifaceted system, allowing the students of this style to pursue any number of paths which suit their individual interests. Some prefer to explore the more traditional route of practical applications and self-defense; others may choose to focus on the more aesthetic elements of Shaolin.

The Shaolin masters who teach at the academy are all extremely talented and enthusiastic individuals with many accolades to their names. They are keen to share the secrets and lessons learned at the temple with foreigners, in the hope that this intrinsic element of Chinese culture continues to like live on in the hearts and minds of Chinese and non-Chinese alike.


Sanda (also known as Sanshou) roughly translates as "actual combat". In the past, Chinese called it "technique fighting" or "striking". Sanda is founded on the simple concept of applying what you have learned from your traditional Kung Fu forms in the ring. It is often likened to Muay Thai, nevertheless there are some stark differences in the techniques and rules found in Chinese kickboxing.

What arguably sets Sanda apart from other types of kickboxing is the wrestling element involved in the sport. Rather than opting to check or block a kick, the Sanda practitioner will see this as an opportunity to throw their opponent to the ground. Take-downs can be used at any point in the bout and are not just limited to catching kicks and sweeping legs.

Depending on the nature of the competition and the rules of the regulating body, some bouts permit the use of elbows and knees, as well as the take-downs, punches and kicks that define Sanda. Although by definition Sanda is a fighting art, it has strict rules to ensure the safety of the two fighters. Rules state that attacking the back of the head, neck and crotch of the opponent is prohibited.

After long-term training, having mastered even the most basic Sanda skills, a practitioner will have very fast defensive and offensive reflexes. Sanda not only improves physical qualities such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and sensitivity but also quickly develops peoples health and fitness.

Master Qu

Master Qu began practicing Traditional Chinese Kung Fu in his childhood and it has remained his passion ever since. As headmaster of Shenjing Shan, his mission is to introduce Chinese martial arts to a wider foreign audience, to ensure its survival during these days of major industrial growth and the changing of traditions throughout China.

A master of Bagua, Tai Chi Plum blossom Praying Mantis and Tai Chi, as well as a qualified Sanda coach, his approach to Chinese Kung Fu is all embracing and well rounded. Master Qu has won many awards throughout China for his Kung Fu, and is considered to be one of the best Mantis practitioners alive today.

When he was not training Kung Fu he was studying traditional Chinese massage and is now a well-respected practitioner of the healing art. His open attitude and deep care for his students means that he has already heavily influenced the lives of many.

Whilst his teaching style is unique in approach, he creates an atmosphere akin to a family, allowing the students and master to develop their own unique and special bonds with each other. To find out more about Master Qu, visit Shengjing Shan interviews page.

Master Hao

Master Hao, like most great martial artists began practicing Kung Fu during his childhood. Born in Qixia city, he is a Shandong native and embodies the essence of its Kung Fu. Since his teenage years he has consistently involved himself in competitions wherever he went and in 2009 he was admitted to study at the prestigious Tianjin University of Sport, majoring Kung Fu.

Like many modern day masters, Master Hao perfectly blends the traditional elements of Chinese Kung Fu with contemporary sports science and nutrition. In 2011 he was admitted to the Chinese martial arts committee and was awarded the "Green Tiger Shoulder Sash" for his contribution to Chinese Kung Fu.

His goal as shifu at Shengjing Shan is to help reshape and reintroduce Kung Fu to the Western world, so that in the years to come it will have the same standing as Athletics, Gymnastics and Kickboxing, in both China and abroad.

Below you will find a brief list of just some of his accolades: 2006 - 2nd place in the Hope Cup Sanda Championship, Shandong Province; 2007 - 1st place in the China Mobile Cup Sanda Championship; 2010 - 3rd place in the Tianjin City Sanda Championship.

2011 - 2nd place in the Chinese National Sports College Championships; 2011 - Personally requested to perform at the Tianjin Xinhua opening ceremony; 2012 - 1st place in the Tianjin City Shangwu Sanda Championship; 2013 - Acted as a senior judge for Tianjin teenagers Sanda championship, winning the honorary prize of "Excellent judge".

Shengjing Shan is located in the Wendeng prefecture of Weihai, Shandong, China. Living and training on the grounds of an ancient Daoist sanctuary, the surrounding area is rich with Chinese culture and outstanding natural beauty.

The students, staff and masters all live together under the same roof. One of the buildings has up six bedrooms, a kitchen and a central dining hall where everybody enjoys their meals together. The bedrooms are particularly spacious and come with en-suite facilities.

Each room has two beds as the students are required to share a room with one of their classmates. The other building is slightly larger, with a larger vegetable garden and a capacity of up to 14 students. This building was previously a hotel, and so has air conditioning available for use during the summer.

Shengjing Shan wholeheartedly encourages long-term students to turn their living space into their home, whether that be putting up posters, changing the wallpaper or doing anything they think will make their room more comfortable.

Master Qu also encourages his students to maintain a clean living environment as he believes that, "A clean room will lead to a clean mind", which will undoubtedly have many benefits on your training and day to day life here.

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Garden
  • Multilingual staff
  • Restaurant nearby
  • ATM/banking nearby
  • Laundry
  • Wireless internet

Exploration in the surrounding area

Hiking in the mountains

Nearby urban activities

Relaxing and culinary travel

Shopping in the city

Places of interest

Cheng Shan You: also known as China's "Cape of Good Hope", Cheng Shan You was deemed by the emperor Cin Shin Huang as the end of the sky and the final boundary of his kingdom. It is the first place in China where you can see the sun rise and illuminate the land; it truly is a mystical sight to behold.

Liu Gong Island: the island home to the first Sino-Japanese War monument. Due to Weihai's geographical location and its proximity to Japan, it has always been a focal point for Sino-Japanese military tension. On the island you will be able to explore the historic relationship between these two countries, with many exhibitions being run throughout the year at the museum.

Weihai International Beach: one of the most famous beaches in China, it is known known for its silky sand and gentle currents. It is the perfect place to relax your weary body after a week of training and strike up some conversation with the locals.

Weihai Park: Weihai is also home to one of the biggest beach parks in China. Renowned for its combination of architecture and natural beauty, the statues, flowers and mountain rocks perfectly complement each other. The park is said to be at its most beautiful on a warm summer night.

Xian Gu Ding: a magnificent and spectacularly designed temple. The most interesting attractions here are the famous inscriptions, some dating back as far as the Song dynasty.


Shengjing Shan will provide a pick-up service for first time students. For arrival on Yantai Airport, please provide your flight information to Shengjing Shan Traditional Kung Fu Academy for airport transfer arrangement. Our nearest train station is Wendeng and we will be more than happy to pick you up upon arrival.

Course Information

All levels and age groups are welcome. The important thing to remember is that everything will be relative to your own abilities, our goal is to encourage you to challenge and redefine them according to how you see fit.

What to bring

During the summer season, students are encouraged to bring four pieces of training shorts, four pieces of training vests, sunblock cream, and bug repellent. And during the winter season please bring with you: four thermals, warm jacket, three tracksuit bottoms, a pair of gloves, hat, scarf, and three pair of thick socks.

Language course & Course preparation

Chinese language courses

Putonghua or common speech

Although China has numerous dialects, the Chinese studied at Shengjing Shan is Putonghua or "common speech". This is the language which linguistically unifies China and will ensure that you are understood everywhere you go. Generally speaking, learning a language is the key to having the most fulfilling experience in a foreign country but this is particularly true of China and its countryside. The surrounding community really welcomes and even opens their homes to those who have spent the time to learn the language and converse with them.

HSK qualification

Long term students are especially encouraged to commit to learning the language; not only will it aid you in understanding more about the art in which you are training, but if you have a genuine interest in gaining an HSK qualification, the academy will do their best to prepare you to sit the exam at a test centre in Yantai or Weihai. The HSK is an internationally recognised certificate for Chinese language proficiency and is well sought after by employers and education institutes throughout the world, therefore gaining an HSK truly is an investment in your future.

Beginner level

Beginner are for those who have no previous experience studying Chinese will start in the beginner group. The first three months of classes will focus on familiarizing and reciting tones. Tones are the cornerstone of oral Chinese and it is extremely important to spend time studying them. Students in this category will cover such topics as; introducing yourself, numbers, food and how to order it, directions, places of importance, body part, time and date

Intermediate level

Intermediate is for those who are already familiar with basic Chinese but no less than 1250 characters will be part of the intermediate group. It is suggested that these students purchase HSK level 3 or 4 textbooks as this will be the syllabus from which you will be working. During class time you will be working on grammar exercises and character writing, with the teaching frequently reviewing and correcting your answers.

The vast majority of your education will be set outside of the classroom as the intermediate and advance students will be encouraged to constantly converse in Chinese. Upon request all the staff at the school will stop addressing you in English in order to simulate total language immersion. Students who are looking to take and HSK exam can, with the consent of the headmaster, opt to substitute three Kung Fu training sessions per week for personal study time.

Advanced level

Advanced is for those students who will have already achieved a proficiency of 1250+ Chinese characters and are working towards HSK 5 or above. During lesson times you will be working from your textbook, completing grammar exercises, writing essays and reviewing characters. All of your answers will be checked and corrected at the end of the class.

Advanced Chinese students will be expected to predominantly communicate in Chinese, unless in the case of an emergency or speaking with your classmates. Shengjing Shan encourages the advanced students to visit the monks at the temple and engage with the residents in the village, this will help to familiarize you with the local accent.

Course preparation

For online application, please fill in the application form on Shengjing Shan website. You will then be notified within two days of their response to your application. You are recommended to submit your application at the very least one month prior to your intended start date. This window will give you time to obtain all the necessary documents and travel tickets required to enter China and begin your training. You are encouraged to prepare for your training. It is suggested that you prepare for some time before your training starts:

Work on aerobic conditioning: This is simply to say start doing some light exercise; anything which particularly interests you and gets the heart pumping is ideal. Whether it be a run in the park, swimming for 30 minutes or even a full game of basketball, any exercise is better than no exercise.

Start flexibility training: stretching is a much underrated component of modern training in the West; however, here in China it is an integral part of any form of exercise. Stretching, or rather flexibility, refers to the range of motion in, or of joints, as well as the length of the muscles which cross our joints. We encourage you to research Static, PNF, and dynamic stretching and try to incorporate it into any training you might currently be doing. We advise 20-30 minutes per day.

Muscular endurance: Muscular endurance is the ability of a given muscle group to sustain repeated contractions against resistance over an extended period of time. It is a key feature of Chinese martial arts strength and stance training, exercising both muscular and physical endurance.

Additional information

For more information ask your questions directly to Shengjing Shan Kung Fu Academy who will be happy to assist you. Simply click on the Contact Organizer button to send a message.

Arrival by airplane

It is suggested that you fly into Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong or alternatively Korea and take a connecting flight to either Yantai or Weihai. Please provide us with your flight time and number so that we may pick you up.

Arrival by train

For those wishing to see more of China whilst making their way to the academy or save money on travel expenses, it is recommended that you take the train. The nearest train station is Wendeng and the staff will be more than happy to pick you up upon arrival. In order to maximize your savings, do ensure you purchase your train tickets in advance, this can be done from Ctrip website.


A one time administration fee must be made prior to or upon arrival and for your tuition payment must be made within 7 days of arriving at the academy, once you received the confirmation that you have been accepted to the academy. This time period will also allow the student to decide whether they intend to continue training at the school for their desired period. 


Change policy

Should a student wish to leave the academy for any reason, they can receive a refund relative to their length of their stay and on the amount of the tuition fees which have already paid. The only instance in which a student will not receive a refund is if the student has only booked for one month, they have been expelled by the school, or they have been deported by the PRC for breaking the law.


Accepted payment methods 

Bank wire transfer


Accepted payment methods on location

Bank wire transfer, Cash


Accepted currencies on location

United States Dollar, Chinese Yuan



Every student is asked to bring 6 passport-style photos with them for their school file and for future visa extension.


Pricing information

Yearly payment required at the beginning of the year for each year. The price per year is decreased. Consecutive yearly payments from the first year to the fifth year is from 5000 USD, 4560 USD, 4320 USD, 4080 USD, 3840 USD.


Travel insurance information

Although serious injuries and illnesses are extremely rare, we recommend that you consider purchasing travel or medical insurance to cover your expenses in the event of such an incident.


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